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(1)      2018.02-至今 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院 控制理论与控制工程专业,副教授

(2)      2015.08-2018.01 北京控制与电子技术研究所,制导与控制,高级工程师  

(3)      2013.02-2015.07 北京控制与电子技术研究所,制导与控制,工程师  

(4)      2007.09-2013.01 北京大学工学院,直博,博士毕业


(1)      鲁棒与自适应控制技术

(2)      故障诊断与容错控制技术

(3)      飞行器导航与定位技术、飞行器制导与控制技术、探测技术

(4)      四旋翼飞行器智能控制技术

(5)      智能车导航、路径规划与控制技术


(1)      2023.1-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(62273250) “车载无人机空地协同高可靠控制技术研究”,负责人

(2)      2021.11-2024.12 装发基础研究重点项目“XXX制导控制一体化XXXX”,负责人

(3)      2021.10-2024.09 天津市自然科学基金面上项目(21JCYBJC00590)“飞行器控制分配新方法与解耦控制研究”,负责人

(4)      2020.10-2023.09 航空基金(20200001048001)“抗干扰条件下主被动雷达切换与信息融合研究”,负责人

(5)      2019.10-2021.09 航空基金(201907048001)战损自适应重构控制工程应用研究,参与人

(6)      2020.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目“临近空间无人飞行器集群化能源系统能量调度与协同控制“,参与人

(7)      2020.09-2020.12 中国船舶重工 XXX控制系统研制”,负责人

(8)      2013.02-2018.01 XX型号项目“XX-XXX改进型控制系统研制”,参与人

(9)      2012.01-2015.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“多执行器动态控制分配的理论及算法研究”,参与人

(10)   2010.01-2013.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目“近空间高超声速飞行器自主协调控制研究”,参与人



(1)      Lei Cui, Qi Zhou and Nan Jin, Fixed-time backstepping distributed cooperative control for multiple unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Asian Journal of Control, Doi: 10.1002/ASJC.2828 (SCI).

(2)      Hailang Jin, Zhiqiang Zuo, Yijing Wang, Lei Cui and Linlin Li, An integrated model based and data driven gap metric method for fault detection and isolation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, In Press, Doi:10.1109/TCYB.2021.3086193. (SCI)

(3)      Zhengen Zhao,Yunsong Xu, Yuzhe Li, Lei Cui, Yimin Huang and Ziyang Zhen, Stealthy multiplicative attacks against cyber physical systems: A gap metric approach, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,32(13):7336-7347,2022(SCI).

(4)      Lei Cui, Nan Jin, Shaoping Chang and Zhiqiang Zuo, Prescribed-time guidance scheme design for missile salvo attack, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359(13):6759-6782,2022(SCI).

(5)      Lei Cui, Nan Jin and Yantao Zong, Guidance and control with fixed-time convergence for an interception missile, Proceedings of the iMeche Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 236(9):1705-1720,2022 (SCI)

(6)      Lei Cui, Nan Jin, Shaoping Chang, Zhiqiang Zuo and Zhengen Zhao, Fixed-time ESO based fixed-time integral terminal sliding mode controller design for a missile, ISA Transactions, 125:237-251,2022 (SCI)

(7)      Lei Cui, Xiuying Hou, Zhiqiang Zuo and Hongjiu Yang, An adaptive fast super-twisting disturbance observer-based dual closed-loop attitude control with fixed-time convergence for UAV, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359(6):2514-2540,2022 (SCI)

(8)      Lei Cui and Nan Jin, Prescribed-time ESO based prescribed-time control and its application to partial IGC design, Nonlinear Dynamics, 106:491-508,2021. (SCI)

(9)      Lei Cui, Ruizhi Zhang, Hongjiu Yang and Zhiqiang Zuo, Adaptive super-twisting trajectory tracking control for unmanned aerial vehicle under gust winds, Aerospace Science and Technology, 115(106833), 2021. (SCI)

(10)   Lei Cui, Zhiqiang Zuo and Ying Yang, A control-theoretic study on iterative solution to control allocation for over-actuated aircraft, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 51(6):3429-3439,2021(SCI)

(11)   Lei Cui, Ying Yang, and Yihong Liu, Robust fault tolerant control allocation for an input redundant aircraft, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 29(2):04015042,2016 (SCI)

(12)   Lei Cui, Yong Zhang and Ying Yang, Youla parameterization based adaptive controller design for fault tolerant control, Asian Journal of Control, 16(1):292-295,2014(SCI)

(13)   Lei Cui, Hongyuan Liu and Ying Yang, Youla parameterization fault tolerant controller design for aircraft, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 36(5): 1533-1537,2013 (SCI)

(14)   Lei Cui, and Ying Yang, Disturbance rejection and robust least squares control allocation in flight control system, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 34(6): 1632-1643, 2011 (SCI )

(15)   Jin Wang, Hongjiu Yang, Chaoxu Mu and Lei Cui, Distributed consensus control for multi-UAV systems with uncertain gains under gust winds, Proceedings of 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control, July,2021

(16)   Nan Jin, Lei Cui, Zhiqiang Zuo and Song Wang, Fixed time cooperative guidance for salvo attack: a leader-follower approach, 40th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, July 26-28 2021. (EI)

(17)   Nan Jin, Lei Cui, Shaoping Chang and Yantao Zong, Fixed time ESO based fixed time controller design for a missile, International Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control, 2020 Oct Tianjin (EI)

(18)   Xiuying Hou, Lei Cui, Shaoping Chang and Yantao Zong, Fixed-time ESO based prescribed performance fixed-time controller design for a quadrotor, International Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control, 2020 Oct Tianjin, (EI)

(19)   Lei Cui, Ying Yang, A new adaptive controller for fault tolerant control, 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, July 22-24, 2011, pp. 4259-4263. (EI)

(20)   Lei Cui, Ying Yang, Shiyun Xu, Fuzzy model based fault detection for nonlinear NCS with packet dropout, 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Xiamen, China, June 9-11 2010, pp.2189-2194. (EI)



(1)      一种变负载下四旋翼无人机的高度控制方法 专利号:CN113419562A

(2)      四旋翼无人机的固定时间控制方法,ZL202011368767.1 申请中

(3)      一种基于等高飞行的动调滑翔制导算法,国防发明专利,专利号:ZL201318009094.5


(1)      本科生:自动控制原理、飞行控制系统

(2)      研究生:鲁棒控制、飞行器再入动力学与制导


(1)      2022:“校级优秀硕士论文指导教师”

(2)      2020:“本科毕设优秀指导教师”

(3)      2016:“靶场飞行试验优秀试验队员” 

(4)      2012:“国家重点实验室奖学金”



(2)      担任ACCCDCCCCIFAC等多个会议审稿人

(3)      2019-至今 中国bet365官网学会无人飞行器自主控制专业委员会委员

(4)      2019-至今 中国人工智能协会会员 中国指挥与控制协会会员